Spire works constantly to strengthen our cooperation with youth organisations in other countries. Now we are starting our next international project: an exchange project around theatre and drama together with our partner organisation My Age Zimbabwe Trust – and we want YOU on the team!
Spire have received support from LNU, through the scheme LNU Kultur, to invite My Age Zimbabwe Trust to Norway to set up a theatre production. This production will be made up of two different theatre plays; one which takes up a topic chosen by My Age, and a second one about a topic chosen by Spire. About My Age Zimbabwe Trust My Age Zimbabwe Trust is a youth led, non-profit organisation working with sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), youth empowerment and youth participation in developmental processes. Through their ‘theater for development programme’ My Age uses theater to address controversial social, economic and political issues (such as climate change, HIV/AIDS and child marriages) with the main goal of empowering and educating people, with the long-term goal of facilitating positive development. The project The goal of the project is to strengthen the partnership between Spire and My Age, and for Spire to explore a completely new form of communication through the use of theatre and drama. To reach these goals we are inviting My Age’s ‘theatre for development’ team to come to Norway in September/October 2018, to set up the two plays. If you join in you will get the opportunity to pitch and develop one of the plays together with My Age beforehand, and take part in the planning and coordinating of the whole production. The ‘theatre for development’ concept is meant to be both entertaining, informative and invite for discussion around important and topical issues. After the play, the audience will participate in an open discussion to reflect on the play they just have seen. Something for you? With this project we are hoping to revitalise Spire’s international committee which is responsible to keeping in contact with Spire’s partner organisations and international projects. Being part of Spire’s international committee is both inspiring, rewarding and gives plenty of opportunity to acquire new knowledge, valuable experiences and an expanded network. Exchange projects such as this one bring people together across cultures and languages and help make the world a little smaller. With this project you will gain important experience in project management and international communication. Come and learn more! Does this sound like something for you? Come to our meeting on Wednesday the 21st of March,18:00-20:00, and learn more about the project! Attending the meeting does not need that you have to sign up for anything. Please send an email to [email protected] if you are planning on coming to the meeting, or if you are interested but not able to come to this day. The meeting will be held at Miljøhuset in Mariboes gate 8, 5th floor. The working language of Spire’s international committee is english. Comments are closed.